Top 5 Vitamin C Serum for Face Available in India

Top 5 Vitamin C Serum for Face Available in India

We all care for our skin but sometimes, though, we experience some common skin challenges like dullness, bad skin tone, dark spots and premature skin aging. These routine skin problems can hamper our natural beauty and puts down our self-confidence of our look. Here where we look for solutions and you believe or not nature already has it, vitamin C.

Vitamin C is now accepted worldwide as the natural resource that takes care of your skin and effectively impacts many skin conditions reported more often. Such a source is a vital resource that is being used and preferred for brighter and more youthful skin by many beauticians and skincare experts too. It helps you reduce the complexion, and increases collagen production and also impacts as an important antioxidant for your skin.

In this article, we will highlight some of the best Vitamin C Serums available in India. These serums can be added to your daily skincare routine and keep your skin ready to fight against skin challenges. 

Role of Vitamin C in Healthy and Glowing Skin

Vitamin C, being an ascorbic acid, helps as a powerful nutrient to skin problems as it offers many benefits to your skin and other body challenges, too. It is a source of vitamin that is soluble in water makes the perfect vitamin to use in skincare products. Products containing vitamin C as a source have produced very effective results and acclaimed to be one of the best solutions to deal with routine but important facial and skin challenges.

1. Antioxidant Protection:

  • It neutralize the free radicals and protects the oxidative stress and damage to skin.
  • Acts as natural guard for environmental damagers like UV rays and air pollution.
  • Keep the youthfulness of the skin and strength with inhibiting premature skin aging.
  • Improves the natural immunity of skin to upgrade the overall skin health.
  • Enhances the texture and tone of  the skin with reduces fine lines and wrinkles.

2. Collagen Synthesis:

  • Improves the collagen production with maintaining the firmness and elasticity of skin.
  • Plays crucial role in repair and reproduce the damaged skin cells.
  • Helps in improving the skin healing and repair of scares
  • Maintains the moisture and protects the skin against dehydration.
  • Strengthens skin’s strength to fight with external stress factors like sun and pollution.

3. Skin Brightening and Pigmentation Control:

  • It reduces dark spots and hyperpigmentation, making the skin tone even.
  • Make your skin glow radiant by brightening it up.
  • It makes you appear young, fresh, and rejuvenated by reducing sun damage.
  • Smoothening out the skin texture to be more refined
  • Creating clearer healthy looking skin by minimizing acne scars visibility

4. Photoprotection:

  • Acts as a second layer of protection against UV-induced damages.
  • The skin’s long-term health is promoted by reducing risks of sunburns/sun damage.
  • Increases sunscreen activity by boosting photoprotective properties in it.
  • Prevents mutations skin cancer by repairing UV-induced DNA damage regions.
  • It helps recover from sun exposure since it supports the natural repair mechanisms of our skin.

Five Vitamin C Serum to Include in your Skin Care Routine

So, one thing is very clear if you are planning your ideal skincare routine – put the right Vitamin C source in it and what is the best Vitamin C serum available in the market. Though, you can’t trust each one of them on the shelf. And that is why we are putting here the best options that you need to trust. Based on our experience and feedback, we provide you with the top 5 choices.

1. Garnier Bright Complete Vitamin C Serum

It is a powerful formula of Garnier Bright Complete Vitamin C Serum that has been developed to brighten dark spots, diminish acne and clear dullness for a radiant complexion. It features a lightweight non-oily texture which absorbs instantly suitable for all skin types especially sensitive skin.

Directions to use:

  • Cleanse: Begin by removing all dirt or impurities from the face of using a mild cleanser.
  • Apply: Take some drops of the garnier vitamin c serum into palms.
  • Massage: Start by rubbing on your face and neck gently with the serum till absorbed completely in circular movements moving upwards.
  • Follow Up: The next step should be adding whatever moisturizer you like on top of it so as to seal off the benefits and finish off your skincare routine.


  • Brightens dark spots, pigmentation
  • Reduces acne, blemishes
  • Clears dullness revealing glowing health
  • Featherweight & not greasy for quick absorption,
  • Fit for all skin types Dermatologically approved,
  • Experience faster visible results within few days.

2. Epishine Plus Vitmin C Serum

The epishine plus serum is an innovative formula rich in antioxidants meant to bring out the beauty and radiance of your skin. This serum contains Superox C-AF as its major active ingredient which is considered globally as having the highest content of vitamin c. It also uses antioxidants such as Glutathione in order to improve uneven skin tone, lighten complexion and protect against oxidative damage. Each component used here has been clinically proven effective at increasing glow and brightness for younger-looking skin.

Key Ingredients:

  • Vitamin C: Being known for its properties such as brightening and antioxidizing, this component gives the skin a radiant glow while also protecting it against environmental damage.
  • Superox CT: As the highest global source of vitamin c, Superox CT is a patented ingredient that guarantees maximum effectiveness in skin tone whitening.
  • Glutathione: It plays the role of an antioxidant which combats oxidative stress and thus giving rise to healthier glowing skin.

Directions to Use: 

  • Preparation: Begin by washing, cleansing, and drying your face before applying Epishine Serum. 
  • Application: Apply three to four drops on face with gentle upward strokes. 
  • Gentle Massage: With your fingers gently rub serum into the skin making sure even coverage. 
  • Recommended Usage: You should apply Epishine Plus Serum only at night for better effects since its powerful ingredients will work best when you are asleep.


  • Brightens uneven skin tone with potent Vitamin C and Superox CT.
  • Enhances radiance for a youthful glow with anti-oxidant rich Glutathione.
  • Protects against oxidative damage reducing signs of premature aging,
  • Evens out skin texture for smoother refined complexion,
  • Clinically proven efficacy ensures visible results in radiance and luminosity,
  • Lightweight non-greasy formula suitable for all types of skins,Easy application 
  • process that fits perfectly into your beauty routine
  • Recommended as nighttime regimen to maximize tis ability to renew overnight.

3. VLCC Vitamin C Serum

VLCC’s Vitamin C Serum is an highly effective solution having 15% portion of natural vitamin C, ferulic acid and hyaluronic acid, which are taking the atmost care your your skin condition and health. It works as in important antioxident to empower the formation of collagen that cuts down the wrinkles from the face at the same time maintain the skin hydration at the optimum level that gives you youn-looking complexion

Directions to use:

  • Cleanse: Wash your face with cleanser to keep your face ready for applying serum.
  • Dispense: Take a small portion of the Serum into your palm as the direction on the product..
  • Apply: Spread it gently around the face and neck in equal portion.
  • Massage: Massage your face with upward strokes, until it gets absorbed. Let the serum dry before using any other skincare products or makeup.


  • Stimulates firmer more elastic skin through collagen production
  • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles on your face by protecting you from environmental damages
  • Makes sure skin is plump and dewy by hydrating it
  • Rejuvenated appearance due to increased cell regeneration on skin
  • Non-greasy lightweight formulae for quick absorption
  • Works well with sensitive skins as it does not cause irritation or redness
  • Visibly brighter smoother skin when used consistently.

4. Lakme 9to5 VitC+ Facial Serum 

Lakme 9to5 VitC+ Facial Serum is an exciting addition to skincare regime. The serum has an ultra-lightweight texture enriched with potent Kakadu Plum extract which contains highest levels of Vitamin C found in nature. With Kakadu Plum having 100X more Vitamin C than oranges, this wonder serum acts as a shield against aging signs, pollution, sun damage and dullness courtesy of its overload with antioxidants.

Directions to use:

  • Prep: Make sure that your face is washed clean and dried off dirt impurities.
  • Dispense: Apply Lakme 9to5 VitC+ Facial Serum to your fingertips.
  • Apply: Take a gentle pat of the serum to areas of concern like dark spots or tired looking skin
  • Massage: When applying, use upward motions. After it has sunk in, give it time to soak into the skin before adding any other skincare or makeup items.


  • The richest known source of Vitamin C Kakadu Plum is enriched with
  • The lightest formula that soaks up instantly into your skin.
  • Vitamin C, an antioxidant which protects against numerous concerns related to the skin. 
  • Offers defense against aging signs, pollution effects as well as sun damage and dullness.
  • Builds protective barrier for healthy skin making it resilient against environmental aggressors.
  • Gives the user a glowing radiant complexion when used regularly

5. Mamaearth Skin Illuminate Vitamin C Serum 

Mamaearth Skin Illuminate Vitamin C Serum is an advanced skincare serum that includes the Vitamin C and turmeric for more brighter andradiant complexion.

Directions to Use:

  • Cleanse: Start by washing face to eliminate any dirt or impurities present on it.
  • Apply: Put some drop on the finger tips of the serum
  • Massage: Gently apply it all over your neck and face until fully absorbed into your body’s system
  • Follow Up: Seal in its benefits by applying moisturizer over this serum afterward


  • Potent vitamin c and turmeric brighten complexion
  • Even out pigmentation by erasing dark spots from your entire skin tone with what you get from potent vitamin c and turmeric
  • Protects your skin from free radicals using antioxidants available thereunto
  • Moisturizes and nourishes softening even dry skins gently Mamaearth’s Skin Illuminate Vitamin C Serum.
  • All types of skins work well with lightweight non greasy formula.
  • This one is dermatologically tested and does not contain any harmful chemicals hence suitable for those whose skins are sensitive.
  • Cruelty-free and made from natural constituents that encourage moralistic and sustainable skincare behaviors.

Vitamin C emerges as a vital component in achieving healthy, glowing skin. Its antioxidant properties shield against damage, while collagen synthesis promotes firmness and elasticity. With its brightening effects, Vitamin C evens out skin tone for a radiant complexion. To get more insights into the benefits of Vitamin C and optimize your skincare routine, connect with our experts today.


Ilesh Khakhkhar


Ilesh Khakhkhar is the Founder & Managing Director of UBIK Solutions Pvt. Ltd., a leading cosmeceutical company in India. Starting from humble beginnings in 2003 with Ethicare Remedies, Ilesh has expanded his influence across the dermatology industry with multiple ventures including Ethinext Pharma and My Derma Store.


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