Most Preferred Ways to Remove Tan from Face

Most Preferred Ways to Remove Tan from Face

We all love bright sunny days – whether we are on a holiday to a beach or weekend outing or even during a working day. But, while we enjoy the sunny day we also need to understand it has some impact on our skin. Spending too much time under the sun gives us tan skin. And, once we have it changes our look with dull and uneven skin. With that you are not having another option rather than finding a way to get rid of tan skin. 

It could be anything, a home remedy or skincare product, or expert help, but ultimately you need to find a way to remove tan from the skin is your ultimate goal. This article will share insights about different ways to fight skin tan and its removal.

What is Sun Tan?

When you enjoy the sun’s brightness, your skin starts looking for protection from UV rays. It starts producing more melanin, which creates pigments that give your skin colour. Your skin absorbs the UV rays and attempts to stop them, causing trouble to a great extent. But in the process of doing this, it starts producing more melanin, and as a result, your skin gets darker.

But, why? – it also needs to be understood. Your skin always sees UV rays as a threat and in the process of reducing the threat it starts the process of producing more melanin as discussed before. So, if you are having frequent and faster tanning, it means your skin is too much active for safeguarding itself. But when you get burned first and then after that getting tan long away it means your skin is a bit slow in the process of producing melanin for protection.

Why Is It Important to Remove Tan from Your Face?

People first notice your face, and a tan can leave it tired, uneven, and dull. Over time, this can mask your skin’s natural radiance, making you feel less confident about your appearance. Plus, a tan isn’t just about the colour; it’s often a sign that your skin has been overexposed to the sun, which can lead to more serious issues like dryness, irritation, and even long-term damage like wrinkles and dark spots. 

But beyond the cosmetic reasons, there’s an important health aspect to consider. Prolonged sun exposure can lead to more than just a temporary tan. It can accelerate the ageing process, cause hyperpigmentation, and in some cases, increase the risk of skin cancer. Removing the tan is a step towards reversing some of the damage and protecting your skin from future harm. 

What are the ways to remove Tan from Face?

When it comes to banishing that stubborn tan from your face, you’ve got plenty of options, from tried-and-true home remedies to some effective skincare products and professional treatments. Let’s dive into what works best!

1. Home Remedies

Lemon and Honey:

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, and when mixed with honey, it can work wonders on tanned skin. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it on for about 20 minutes, and then rinse off with lukewarm water. The lemon lightens the tan, while honey keeps your skin hydrated and soft.

Yogurt and Turmeric:

This classic combination is a go-to for reducing tan. Yogurt soothes the skin and lightens pigmentation, while turmeric adds a natural glow. Mix a tablespoon of yoghurt with a pinch of turmeric, apply it to your face, and wash off after 15 minutes.

Aloe Vera Gel:

Fresh aloe vera gel not only cools the skin but also helps fade the tan. Apply a thick layer of aloe vera gel on your face before bedtime, leave it on overnight, and wash it off in the morning. It’s a gentle remedy that can be used daily.

Tomato Pulp:

Rich in antioxidants, tomato pulp helps brighten skin and reduce tan. Mash a ripe tomato and apply the pulp directly to your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing with cool water. It’s refreshing and effective.

Cucumber Extract:

Cucumber is another great natural remedy for sunburn and tan removal. Grate a cucumber and extract its juice. Apply it to your face using a cotton ball. The cooling effect will soothe your skin, and its natural bleaching properties will help lighten the tan.

Gram Flour and Turmeric:

A face pack made of gram flour (besan), turmeric, and a little milk can be very effective in removing tan. Mix these ingredients into a paste, apply it to your face, and let it dry. Once it’s dry, scrub it off gently with water. This pack helps in exfoliating and lightening the skin.

2. Skincare Products

Vitamin C Serum:

A good vitamin C serum can work wonders on tanned skin. It helps brighten the skin and reduce pigmentation. Use it daily after cleansing your face, followed by a moisturiser.

Tan Removal Face Packs:

There are several over-the-counter face packs specifically designed for tan removal. Look for packs that contain natural ingredients like papaya, saffron, or sandalwood. These are great for weekly use and can help lighten the tan over time.

Sunscreen with SPF 50:

Prevention is key. A high-SPF sunscreen not only protects your skin from further tanning but can also help lighten the existing tan by shielding your skin from additional UV exposure. Make sure to reapply every few hours if you’re out in the sun.

Expert Help

If your tan is particularly stubborn or you’re looking for faster results, Chemical Peels can be an effective treatment. A dermatologist can perform a chemical peel that removes the top layer of tanned skin, revealing the fresh, untanned skin beneath. These peels can vary in strength, so your dermatologist will recommend the best one for your skin type. It’s a great option if you want noticeable results in a short time, but it’s always best to get it done by a professional to avoid any potential risks.


Dealing with a sun tan can be a hassle, but with the right methods, you can definitely get your skin looking fresh and glowing again. You can opt for easy home remedies to effective skincare products and professional treatments, as a solution for every tan.If you’re feeling stuck or need a bit of guidance, our skin experts are here to help. Reach out to us for personalised advice or comment now with your contact details and find the best treatments to suit your needs.


Ilesh Khakhkhar


Ilesh Khakhkhar is the Founder & Managing Director of UBIK Solutions Pvt. Ltd., a leading cosmeceutical company in India. Starting from humble beginnings in 2003 with Ethicare Remedies, Ilesh has expanded his influence across the dermatology industry with multiple ventures including Ethinext Pharma and My Derma Store.


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