How to Protect Your Hair and Skin from Hard and Soft Water?

How to Protect Your Hair and Skin from Hard and Soft Water?

Although we all need water in our everyday lives, did you realise that the kind of water you consume has a big impact on your skin and hair? 

Let’s examine the variations between soft and hard water and how they may impact your beauty routine.

Hard Water and Soft Water – Understanding the concept

To start with, we need to first get an understanding about what hard water is and what is soft water.

What is Hard Water?

It goes like this – the water is the softest form of liquid in hard water. The beauty of hard water is because of its dissolved minerals (primarily calcium and magnesium), as it has been absorbed from rocks like calcium or chalk. 

Hard water contains 120 PPM or 7 GPG as its formation.Its great challenge contains minerals. Even though it is safe to consume, it disappears in domestic tasks and personal care. However, you can also mix it with other types of salt or with saltyments rich in vitamins to empower your body.

Hard Water Effects on Skin:

  • Natural oils stripped: One main problem with hard water is that it washes away the natural oils in your skin resulting in dry, irritated skin.
  • Soap Residue: Annoyingly, the minerals in hard water combine with soap to create a residue on the skin that clogs pores and can lead to skin problems (still processing our heartbreaking there too).
  • Aggravation: The increased mineral content can heighten skin issues which would irritate folks with eczema, dermatitis ( According to Derms, Suspicion), and impostor dermatitis.

Hard Water Effects on Hair:

  • Dullness: The minerals of hard water can accumulate on hair that brings dull surface and make your hair lifeless.
  • Dryness: Along with accumulated minerals, it removes the natural oil that our hair has and hence make it dry results in breakage
  • Colour fade: coloured hair will fade more quickly because minerals from hard water will deposit onto the hair.

What is Soft Water?

Soft water is low in dissolved minerals, but naturally occurring soft water are produced in areas with impermeable and dissolvable stones, such as granite or through concretion process with washing-off of calcium and magnesium porings by sodium or potassium.

Soft Water Effects on Skin:

  • Keeps skin moist: Soft water helps skin to retain natural moisture, which means less dryness and better overall hydration.
  • Cleaner: Because it rinses so well (no mineral oil scum to scrape off the skin), the skin is left feeling cleaner- and on a harder rinsing out, may be required to mitigate mineral deposits that could aggravate oily skin.
  • Less irritating: Soft water contains fewer minerals and is less harsh on your skin and less likely to irritate or make skin problems worse.

Soft Water Effects on Hair:

  • Shine and manageability: Soft water allows hair to maintain its natural shine and makes it easier to manage and style.
  • Reduced buildup: Without mineral buildup, hair stays cleaner longer and requires less frequent washing.
  • Scalp health: Soft water promotes a healthier scalp by reducing dandruff and itchiness associated with hard water residue.

How to Protect Your Skin and Hair from Hard and Soft Water?

Hard and soft water can affect your skin and hair differently, but you can take simple steps to keep them healthy and looking good.

Products to Use

  • Special Shampoos: Use shampoos specially made to remove mineral buildup caused by hard water. These shampoos help keep your hair clean and shiny.
  • Moisturizing Soaps: Choose body washes and facial cleansers that hydrate your skin. This helps prevent dryness caused by hard water, leaving your skin soft and smooth.
  • Water Filters: Install water softeners or filters in your home. These devices reduce the mineral content in your water, making it gentler on your skin and hair.
  • Cleansing Shampoos: Use clarifying or cleansing shampoos occasionally to get rid of residue from both hard and soft water. This keeps your hair healthy and free from buildup.
  • Hair Masks: Treat your hair to regular deep conditioning masks to restore moisture and repair damage caused by mineral-rich hard water.
  • Facial Masks: Use hydrating and soothing facial masks to replenish moisture and combat dryness caused by hard water, promoting a healthier complexion.
  • Exfoliating Scrubs: Incorporate gentle exfoliating scrubs into your skincare routine to remove dead skin cells and prevent dullness exacerbated by hard water.

Essential Tips to Protect Your Skin and Hair from Hard and Soft Water

  • Use Clean Water: Rinse your hair with distilled water after washing to remove minerals from hard water.
  • Moisturise Right Away: Put on lotion after showering to keep your skin hydrated and protect it from getting dry.
  • Protect Your Hair: Use sprays before using heat tools to stop hard water from damaging your hair.
  • Massage Your Scalp: Massage your scalp often to help your hair stay healthy and grow well.
  • Drink Water: Drink lots of water during the day to keep your skin and hair healthy from the inside.

Precautions for Protecting Your Skin and Hair Against Hard and Soft Water

  • Use Warm Water: Hot water can dry out your skin and hair more with hard water. Use warm water instead.
  • Don’t Wash Too Much: Washing your hair a lot can take away its natural oils, especially with hard water. Wash every other day or as needed.
  • Choose Gentle Products: Pick gentle shampoos and soaps without harsh chemicals to keep your skin and hair healthy.
  • Watch Water Temperature: Be careful with how hot your water is when washing. Very hot water can take away natural oils and make your skin drier.
  • Keep Filters Clean: Make sure water softeners and filters are cleaned regularly so they work well to keep minerals out of your water.
Wrapping it up, 

Taking care of your skin and hair in hard or soft water is all about using the right products and routines. With gentle cleansers, regular moisturising, and maybe even considering a water softener, you can keep your skin smooth and your hair shiny. If you want personalised tips or have specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact our experts. They’re here to help you get the best out of your skin care and hair care!


Ilesh Khakhkhar


Ilesh Khakhkhar is the Founder & Managing Director of UBIK Solutions Pvt. Ltd., a leading cosmeceutical company in India. Starting from humble beginnings in 2003 with Ethicare Remedies, Ilesh has expanded his influence across the dermatology industry with multiple ventures including Ethinext Pharma and My Derma Store.


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