How to Heal and Treat Your Sun-Damaged Hair?

How to Heal and Treat Your Sun-Damaged Hair?

The spirits are raised by the sun’s golden rays during summer, but they may also leave our hair feeling dull. Similarly to our skin, our hair needs protection from UV rays, which can cause significant damage to your hair including dryness, brittleness among others. If your locks are looking lifeless after spending too many hours in the heat of sunlight, worry no more as there are various ways to treat and prevent sun damage to your hair.

Thus today we come to understand about the sun damaged hair and how you can keep your tresses healthy and vibrant.

How Does the Sun Damage Your Hair?

Just like on your skin, long exposure on your hairs under direct sunlight is detrimental. The UVA and UVB radiation from sunshine go through the cuticle layer of your hair shaft hence breaking them down at their structure levels while also getting rid of essential oils plus proteins naturally produced in this case photodegradation happens which is particularly dangerous because its effects weaken the strands from within Here is a closer look at how sun damages your hairs:

Breaks Down Hair Protein:

This occurs where UV rays decompose keratin protein inside one’s hair thereby making it weak.

Depletes Natural Oils:

When exposed to sunshine for long periods make natural oils get out leaving it flaky and parched.

Colour Fading:

In fact ultraviolet radiation even affects colour pigments thus making them fade till they vanish when being exposed at such an extent.

Loss of Moisture:

As far as drying ones’ scalp goes, all moisture evaporates due to constant drying off one’s head by the sun at high temperatures resulting in dryness and frizzy hair.

Cuticle Damage:

The cuticle will be destroyed by radiation which raises it up and makes it rough, so this becomes even more subject to entanglement and fuzziness.

Thinning and Weakening:

Hair can become thin as well as weak due to regular exposure to sunlight leading to more breakage.

What Are the Signs of Sun-Damaged Hair?

  • Lack of moisture and fragility
  • Split ends and snapping
  • Bleached appearance
  • Frizziness
  • Diminished lustre and smoothness
  • Greater propensity to become tangled easily

How Does Sun-Damaged Hair Appear?

Hair affected by the sun usually looks lifeless and dull. It may feel coarse to touch and lose its characteristic springiness. For individuals with dyed hair, it may look faded or brassy. The hair can also appear more fragile than normal due to breakage.

What Kind of Hair is Most Susceptible to Sun Damage?

Sun damage can affect all types of hair; however, some are at increased risk:

  • Light-coloured or fair-haired locks that have less melanin for safeguarding against UV rays.
  • Fine hairs which do not have enough density to give natural UV protection.
  • Also treated through colouring or chemical processes that weaken their structure making them prone to injury.

Treating and Protecting Sun-damaged hair

When you get sun-damaged hair, you must focus on treating and healing it but after that you also need to focus on protecting it from the sun.

5 Ways to Treat Your Sun-damaged Hair

Hair Hydration:

Use deep conditioners or hair masks at least once a week. Look for products with ingredients like keratin, argan oil, and shea butter to replenish lost moisture. Also, apply a leave-in conditioner after every wash to maintain hydration levels throughout the day.

Regular Trims:

Trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to remove split ends and prevent further breakage.

Protein Treatments:

Adopt protein treatments into your routine to strengthen the hair shaft and repair damage. Products containing hydrolyzed proteins can be especially effective.

Avoid Heat Styling:

Give your hair a break from blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons. If you must use heat, always apply a heat protectant spray.

Gentle Hair Care:

Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle hair gently, and avoid harsh brushing when hair is wet.

Tips to Protect Your Hair from Sun-damage

Wear a Hat or Scarf:

Cover your hair with a wide-brimmed hat or scarf when spending extended periods in the sun. This provides a physical barrier against UV rays.

Use UV Protection Sprays:

Invest in hair products that contain UV filters. These sprays form a protective layer over your hair, similar to sunscreen for your skin.

Stay Hydrated:

Drinking plenty of water helps maintain overall hydration, which benefits both your skin and hair.

Avoid Peak Sun Hours:

Try to stay out of the sun during its peak intensity (10 AM to 4 PM). If you must be outside, seek shade whenever possible.

Rinse After Swimming:

Chlorine and salt water can exacerbate sun damage. Rinse your hair with fresh water immediately after swimming to remove these harsh elements.

Opt for Protective Hairstyles:

Braids, buns, and ponytails can minimise the hair’s exposure to the sun and reduce damage.


Sun-damaged hair can be a frustrating issue, but with the right care and protection, you can restore its health and shine. If you are fighting with sun-damaged hair, adopt the above tips and tricks to heal sun-damaged hair or ask our hair experts for your specialised hair care treatment of sun-damaged hair. contact us now or write to us now about your hair problems.


Ilesh Khakhkhar


Ilesh Khakhkhar is the Founder & Managing Director of UBIK Solutions Pvt. Ltd., a leading cosmeceutical company in India. Starting from humble beginnings in 2003 with Ethicare Remedies, Ilesh has expanded his influence across the dermatology industry with multiple ventures including Ethinext Pharma and My Derma Store.


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