How to Get Rid of Dark Scars?

How to Get Rid of Dark Scars?

Believe it or not, but we all have our own stories that talk about your skin and the journey of it. It must has the characters like remnants of a playground tumble from childhood, fighting with acne in our teenage or any surgical scars that points out any specific life event, our skin is the prime watcher of all these storical drama that is built around the journey of our skin – from childhood to adulthood and then afterward.

Some memories fade with time, but others, like dark scars, keep flashing on every time you face the mirror.

In this article, we discuss dark scars, their nature, their reasons for formation, and some treatments we can use to get rid of them. Let’s start by understanding them.

What are Dark Scars?

Dark scars, popularly known as hyper-pigmented scars, are the annoying lingering marks that are so stubborn to get away easily. Regular scars, with time, get blended into your natural skin, but being an odd man out, such dark scars create uneven patches and make you look a bit out of expectation. 

But you might wonder why such scars are so dark and not ready to go away from your skin?

Such Dark scars are actually the product of the excessive melanin produced by your skin during its healing. This melanin is a pigment that gives your skin and hair dark colour. When your skin experiences trauma—injuries, surgery, acne or pimples, or minor cuts due to accidents or fights—it tries to repair and heal itself. This whole process is a complex activity that forms new tissues and produces collagen to mend the wound.

However, self-healing might not always be perfect. It might not get the right environment while it’s in the process, or your body might not respond as needed, which is why it causes hyperpigmentation. Such scar tissues result in darker spots than surrounding natural skin.

What are the major factors contributing to the formation of Dark scars?

Many factors play a crucial role in causing dark scars, and some of them are listed here. 

Skin Type:

People with darker skin tones are naturally more prone to hyperpigmentation due to higher melanin levels. This doesn’t mean lighter-skinned individuals are immune, but the contrast in dark scars might be more noticeable in those with darker complexions.

Sun Exposure:

UV rays can exacerbate the production of melanin. A healing scar can darken further if exposed to the sun without protection. This is why sunscreen is often touted as essential for preventing new scars and protecting existing ones from getting worse.


More severe inflammation often leads to a stronger healing response, which can result in darker pigmentation. This is common in acne scars, where significant inflammation leads to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.


Some people are simply more predisposed to developing dark scars due to their genetic makeup. If your parents experienced dark scars, there’s a higher chance you might too.

Why Should You Get Rid of Dark Scars?

While dark scars are harmless, they can be a source of cosmetic concern for many people. Getting rid of dark scars can:

  • Improve Appearance: Clearer skin can boost self-esteem and confidence.
  • Even Skin Tone: Reducing dark scars can help achieve a more uniform complexion.
  • Prevent Future Scarring: Proper treatment of current scars can prevent the formation of new ones.

How to React First on Dark Scars?

When you first notice a dark scar-forming, your immediate reaction can significantly affect how well it heals. Catching it early and treating it with care can help minimize its appearance and prevent it from becoming a long-term concern. Here’s a detailed and conversational guide on how to tackle dark scars right from the start:

Home Remedies for Dark scars

Sometimes, the best solutions are right in your kitchen or bathroom cabinet. Here are some tried-and-true home remedies to consider:

Aloe Vera: 

This soothing plant is a wonder for skin healing. Its anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties can help reduce the appearance of dark scars. Simply cut a fresh aloe vera leaf, extract the gel, and apply it directly to the scar. Do this twice daily for the best results.

Lemon Juice: 

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, thanks to its high vitamin C content. Applying lemon juice to a dark scar can help lighten it over time. However, be cautious—lemon juice can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so always follow up with sunscreen. Dab a bit of lemon juice onto the scar, leave it for about 10 minutes, and then rinse it off.


Honey isn’t just for sweetening your tea; it’s also a fantastic natural moisturiser. Its antibacterial properties can help heal the skin and reduce pigmentation. Apply raw honey to the scar, let it sit for about 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water.


Known for its anti-inflammatory and skin-lightening properties, turmeric can be an effective remedy. Make a paste with turmeric powder and a bit of honey or yoghurt, apply it to the scar, and leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing.

Over-the-counter (OTC) Products for Dark Scars

If you don’t believe in home remedies or nothing is available at home and you prefer something from the pharmacy, there are several OTC products that can help fade dark scars:

Hydroquinone Creams: 

Hydroquinone is a popular skin-lightening agent. It works by decreasing the production of melanin. However, Hydroquinone Creams should be used with caution and ideally under the guidance of a dermatologist, as it can sometimes cause skin irritation.

Vitamin C Serums: 

Vitamin C is renowned for its skin-brightening properties. It helps to reduce pigmentation and even out skin tone. Apply a few drops of vitamin C serum to the scar daily to see gradual improvements.


These derivatives of vitamin A can accelerate cell turnover, helping to fade dark spots and scars over time. Retinoids can be found in various strengths, from milder OTC formulations to stronger prescription versions. Start with a lower concentration to avoid irritation.

Professional Treatments for Dark Scars

When home remedies and over-the-counter products aren’t quite cutting it, it might be time to consider professional treatments. These advanced options can offer more significant and faster results, especially for stubborn or extensive dark scars. 

1. Laser Therapy

  • Fractional Laser Resurfacing: Targets tiny skin areas to boost collagen and renew skin. Great for deep scars with minimal downtime.
  • Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy: Uses broad-spectrum light to treat pigmentation. Less invasive, good for overall skin tone improvement, usually requires multiple sessions.

2. Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion

  • Microdermabrasion: Gently exfoliates the skin, suitable for milder scars, with little to no downtime.
  • Dermabrasion: More intensive, sands down the skin for severe scarring. Effective but requires longer recovery.

3. Microneedling

Microneedling uses fine needles to create tiny punctures, boosting collagen and elastin production. It is minimally invasive and has a short recovery time. Topical treatments can enhance the procedure.

Professional Advice – A must-have approach for Dark Scars

Consult a dermatologist to find the best skin type and scar severity treatment. Consider recovery time, cost, and potential side effects before proceeding with any treatment. Professional guidance ensures the best outcomes and minimizes risks, helping you achieve a clearer, more even complexion.

If you are fighting with Dark scars and look to seek professional advice, don’t hesitate to consult our expert dermatologist. Book your consultation now and stay relaxed.


Ilesh Khakhkhar


Ilesh Khakhkhar is the Founder & Managing Director of UBIK Solutions Pvt. Ltd., a leading cosmeceutical company in India. Starting from humble beginnings in 2003 with Ethicare Remedies, Ilesh has expanded his influence across the dermatology industry with multiple ventures including Ethinext Pharma and My Derma Store.


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